09 June 2011

A song for Woody

I should blog more, shouldn't I?  I just enjoy reading YOUR blogs so much, chat to my friends, stalk people on Facebook by hacking into Mr de Elba's Facebook account because I don't have one, and hanging out on My Fitness Pal - what a great site!  And Nowadays instead of siting in my office in the cold, I am snuggled up in my comfy armchair with a ridiculously small laptop which is difficult to type on.  IT's not all that good for blogging.

I would like to dedicate this song to Woody.  It could have been written for him.


  1. Yes, please blog more. I love reading your stuff. But...no pressure.... You know.... let it flow... etc etc. Love your work.

  2. Well how could I not respond to that? Coming up next, I do battle with my random-text-deleting keyboard in order to tell you about the one about the pharmacy assistant and the two purple jelly beans.

  3. Heh. I used to share a facebook page with my husband until one day I took the "which Jane Austen Character are You?", and from then on, Dave's facebook page said "David took the "Which Jane Austen Character are You? Quiz and David is Miss Elizabeth Bennet!"

    I was expelled from the garden.

  4. That has me in stitches! He never seemed all that Lizzyish to me! Mr de Elba has just nearly busted something laughing at this comment.

  5. Glad to see you aim to please! Yes, more!

    "I haven't spilled since yesterday!" "NO!" I adore Larry.

  6. Given that I almost always drink from a thermos cup (ie, grown-up sippy cup) and I have just replaced it because the last one used to dribble and drip... yeah, this song resonated in a disturbing way. ;)

  7. Apparently "This video contains content from UMG. It is not available in your country." Boooooooooo...

    On another note, I do myfitnesspal too!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!