01 June 2011

My hairdresser is rubbish

Oh, wait, that was me.
I suppose I'll agree to go to a real hairdresser, like Mum said.


  1. Whoops!

    On a side note, how grown up is Buzz!!!

  2. I thought for a minute you meant it was YOU. That was confusing!

  3. Well, maybe now Buzz will have a buzz haircut!

  4. I think it's got character. I say stick with it. :)

  5. Dammit, I wanted to make the "Time For A Buzz Cut" joke. Andi's too quick.

  6. But my hair isn't in my eyes anymore, Mum!

  7. At least you can claim the kid did it. My husband did a similar hair style for my son for his FIRST haircut. (And before church no less...) He was reprimanded severely. Needless to say we had a family expedition to the hairdressers for child number two's first haircut.

    Did Buzz have to go to school like that? Did he think it was fine?

  8. Yep, I made him go to school until Jo the Hairdresser could fix it. Looking Like A Clown for 2 days was punishment enough. Sorry about your poor little feller's first haircut!

  9. The 'textured' look is so 'in'!

    Thankfully he has a truly gorgeous face and the coolness to pull it off...

    My sister cut my hair when I was 15 - I have added it to the list of things to discuss with my psychologist - when I have time to go to one....


  10. At least with a boy it is easy to fix! My cousin once cut her bangs off up to the scalp. It was quite the look. Somehow my children have never thought to cut their own hair *knocking on wood*


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!