11 April 2011

A Case of the Mondays

I was busy today, and got nothing done.  This usually happens when I don't write a list of the things I want to do the night before.  In the late afternoon I started mentally writing a blog post detailing how I wasted a day but I realised after half an hour of mentally writing out my day that I was only up to 8:50am.  That would be a very long and very boring post for writer and readers alike.

Needless to say today I only managed a protracted school run, did one load of washing, dried it in the wet weather by doing a few loads in the dryer, did one load of dishes, bought birthday presents for Jessie's upcoming birthday, took my husband out for lunch, made it through a ridiculous and totally shambolic school run (why I ever let Woody out of the car in the wet weather is beyond me), stopped children from being killed by each other or me, and made a scrummy shepherds pie for dinner.

Once I popped the pie in the oven, I packed the kids in the car again to pick up Mr de Elba from work, feeling like the day was coming to a close but realising that the hard work never ended when the recently-woken Jessie needed to do a wee on the grass but we were parked near that creek out the back of Mr de Elba's work and what do you know, we'd had some heavy storms and it was fast-moving and making whooshy sounds but not as bad as that day, nevertheless Jessie was quite scared of it and screamed a bit while half-naked and weeing on the grassy bank, anyway my job in carrying her from car to river bank and back again was complicated by the fact that on her side of the car was some roadkill which I was eager for her to avoid seeing since it had all-too-recently been someone's fluffy kitten and as we sat in the car waiting, an elderly gentleman picked it up by its tail and hurled it into the swollen creek and then I texted Mr de Elba and said please come, dinner will be getting burnt.

I knew that sentence was ridiculous, but I kept it in because it progressed in much the same fashion as the whole day.

That may sound like I achieved a lot, but it doesn't feel like a lot when at the end of the day, the pile of folding on my bed is as high as my chest, the kitchen looks like a rats' playground (not enough 'CKMT' today, apparently) and Jessie's bedroom is so messy you can't walk on the floor without stepping on clothes, supersuits and other dressups, felt pens or screwed-up paper.  The folding, the kitchen and Jessie's room were the three things I really wanted to do today and since they weren't done by All-Children-In-Bed Time, they will patiently wait until tomorrow.

So. Does anyone ever get A Case Of The Tuesdays?


  1. Oh I get a case of the Tuesdays. And wednesdays. And Thursdays. And Usually Fridays too......

  2. That's my days every day even with the sons grown.

  3. "Needless to say today I only managed..."

    *smiles and nods*

  4. I love your ridiculous sentence! And you are quite adventurous in my opinion to take a girl to wee outside. We have too much wind to do that here, if you know what I mean...

  5. Oh I am feeling your pain!!! It is hard to believe that after an incredibly busy day nothing seems to be done!
    But you DID achieve quite a lot! And the all important goal of 'Alive and mostly happy' was met!
    (Particularly avoiding Jessie seeing the roadkill! Impressive!)

  6. Oh Dawn, I think it would have been the more adventurous idea to NOT take her for a wee. "Just hold on a little bit longer, sweetie!" It's never been all that successful before!

  7. I have learned to cope with this very situation by drastically lowering my expectations. We had visitors today. I did NOT get the house cleaned in time. The children amused themselves by fosicking under the couch for hidden treasure. At one stage, someone found a rotting apple. It was actually pretty fun really.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!