08 April 2011

Baffling Blogroll

Is anyone else noticing weird things happen to their blogroll?  Mine seems to give random blogs a time-out for a while.  I rely on my blogroll to keep up with the blogs I follow, but now it looks like I have suddenly taken a dislike to my friends, not commenting on their blogs and omitting them from my blogroll.  Strange.


  1. Yes, mine does the same. Always has I think. I also use Google Reader as well and even get suspicious of it sometimes. I have way too many blogs in there too; sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees, but that's a whole other story.

  2. mine does the same. blogger can be so frustrating sometimes.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. I hadn't noticed. Sometimes it takes a day for it to update, but I rely on Google Reader anyway and hardly ever look at my blogroll unless I want to re-read a post.

  4. I gave up on my blogroll and use Google Reader now. What I love best is being able to create categories so blogs by friends always get read first, and random crafty blogs that I've come across sometimes don't get read till next week ;o)

  5. I used to use reader, but I ditched it after a fortnight of reading posts but failing to click over to comment.

  6. My blogroll seems to have stopped updating certain blogs. It's annoying.

  7. Blogger has just been strange in general the last month or so. How many times do I need to log in? Each time I do I hit the little check box to 'remember me' or 'keep me logged in'


    Can you comment from Google Reader? I love the set up and layout but can't figure out where to submit a comment.

    ~ Jenna

  8. No, I never found out how to comment from Reader, and decided Google Reader wasn't for me.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!