22 February 2011

Jessie, we need to talk.

My sweet, it is quite one thing to get out of bed and trash the room if you can't sleep.

It is another thing to fall asleep in the mess, with your face resting on a coat hanger.

But falling asleep in a plastic box?

Surely can't be comfortable.


  1. TWO beds. You bought her TWO perfect pink beds. And she's in a plastic box.

  2. Doesn't look much different from the way kids fall asleep in strollers or car seats, which has never looked comfortable to me.

  3. That is very cute, but I fear I'd have to check for signs of life if I walked in on a scene like that. I hope you didn't spend too much on those beds when a plastic crate would have sufficed.

  4. Obviously, it is quiet comfortable to her.

    When comes down to it, kids are weird. Very, very weird.

  5. That is hilarious! I love it! Thanks for the smile!

  6. My daughter went to sleep in her doll crib one time. It was terribly uncomfortable looking...And terribly sweet!

  7. Hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh

  8. I couldn't sleep on Sunday night. Maybe I should have tried a box?

  9. nawwwww!!! So cute!!! Gee she is getting big!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!