19 February 2011

Burning down trees

Mum, I'm trying to burn that magpie tree down with my x-ray vision.  I know I have x-ray vision because when I stare really hard, I see arrows in the sides of my eyes.

Good, son.  Don't set fire to the blinds or the window or the house while you're doing it.


  1. Thank you for not discouraging your child's imagination!! That is great!

  2. Hope this find you well and nothing smoldering around you.
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. Awesome shot. He is looking so grown up--nice to hear he still has a youthful imagination! :-)

  4. I didn't know you could get rid of a pesky magpie AND the tree it lives in with x-ray vision. Good luck to the dear little Superhero.

  5. That picture could so easily be the poster for a very scary movie about a child with tree-burning powers.

  6. I'm not sure the tree deserves to die as well! Tell him a real superhero would only zap the magpie.

  7. Sorry to have been out of sight as I've been. Medical stuff, life stuff. stuff-stuff.

    Really enjoying catching up on your particular, or is it peculiar, way of seeing your life & the world around you. It's like an example of how to be humorous in Way fewer words than I seem able to use.

    Thanks Much for this. ;-)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!