18 November 2010

What does one do in a blogging slump?

The first thing that becomes evident during a blogging slump is the guilt.  Oh, the guilt, the guilt!  I owe it to my blog, I owe it to my readers, I owe it to myself ... woe, woe, woe, boo-hoo.

Each night I log on and I read what you lovely people have been saying.  So many wonderful blogs,so many stories and pictures!  I love jumping into your lives and seeing what is interesting your typing fingers today!

I've been Google-Talking with some of you too!  That's fun (especially my typos.  They get worse as the night wears on.)

I have also been spending an inordinate amount of time on ABC iView - the site where you can watch recent ABC TV programs.  I am still unable to corral myself in front of our actual TV and sit still to watch, but I have been enjoying watching on the computer screen.  The Sherlock Holmeses have come to an end for the time being, and now I watch QI because I'm an Alan Davies fan, Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow because I love comedy, The Librarians because oh my goodness Pearl has moved in with Frances and Terry, and Media Watch because I love seeing someone sticking the boot into someone who has done a bad job in media and current affairs.  I watch Gardening Australia so I can learn what I'm doing wrong in the garden, and I was watching Can We Help until they started that segment with the po-faced doctor who tells everyone not to eat anything yummy.

I SHOULD have been backing up all my photo files into my Dropbox, but I haven't.  Naughty me.

So that's what I've been doing during my blogging slump.  But most of all, it's the guilt.  The terrible, woeful guilt.

I will leave you, and particularly Tracy who likes my photos and said I'm her therapist, with this one picture.  I'm running out of ideas to stimulate the little brain which runs around in a pink-clad body and will continue to do so aimlessly for the next 74 days until pre-prep starts.  So there's been games with Buzz's flashcards, letters and sounds during nighttime stories, and also a bit of this, below.

Annie Apple - Noisy Nick - Noisy Nick - Annie Apple - Hyphen - Lucy Lamplight - Uppy Umbrella - Clever Cat - Impy Ink - Annie Apple.


  1. It's true, I adore your photos. And your plants. And I think Bethany would love to join Jessie in making a rainbow out of her name. But I'm not high maintenance when it comes to my therapy, so don't feel guilty on my account! ;-) Blogging is one area of life where, unless you do it for an income, the blogger's whims should rule the day. That's what feed readers are for.

  2. Well, I've been living in Slumpville for a while now. Check the date on my last post...
    Anyway. I'm waiting on some inspiration.
    Love the sweet little miss writing her name so precisely.
    You could do a post on what inspired you to grow plants in bales of hay. I think that was pretty clever. Forget dirt!
    ♥ Joy

  3. I'm trying to find a way to say I've missed your blog posts without piling on additional guilt.

    Then I remembered I'm also in a postless slump at the moment, too. So it can't be taken as critical!

    She is doing so well. What a pity they will shortly stuff up her pretty handwriting with the hideous Queensland Cursive. *sigh*

    By the way. The word verification is "apingmad" - surely that's got to be a new real word. "I was so apingmad that I threw out the burnt mixture" And anyone who thinks I'm referring to them would be wrong, because in an odd coincidence I've burnt the mixture I was making this morning. Weird.

  4. I guess it's a good thing there's no real dramas going on in your life at the moment! You'd be surprised how interesting your 'boring stories' can be to us though!
    I dislike queensland cursive. Bring back the old style writing - so much prettier and more flowy (new word). Do you know anyone as an adult who now does qld cursive? No, because it's ugly. Do a post on this! :)

    BTW - I thought of you when I saw a 'Jessie' outfit in the junk mail catalogue!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!