17 November 2010

A Little Bit Weird

I've been trying a bit of straw-bale gardening. It's where you get some straw bales and ... plant a garden in them.  Well, it's a bit more complex than that, but that's the idea.

I got two bales for my first attempt.  I decided that if all else fails (which it isn't) then at the end of the growing season I can take the bales and spent veggie crops apart and let it improve the soil underneath.  I've put them in a place where I would love to have veggies next year, but currently has quite poor soil.

I've put in cucumbers, capsicum, rocket and some little carrots which will certainly fail because the bales have proved to be too rich in nutrients.  The carrots see no reason at all to put down big, fat roots in search of noms.  Everything else is growing well though, and I've decided that you can't have everything.  I also put some pumpkin seeds into the ends of the bales and then had to decide which of the resulting plants were to be allowed to spread their vines out along the garden from there.

There are some tiny capsicums and cucumbers appearing ...

... and the flowers are making it look quite joyful.

But there's one weird thing.  When I started this little straw bale garden, I put the two bales standing up here in my garden ...

... with barely the space for my hand to fit between them.  Sure, there's been a lot of decomposing and squashing-down, but it also appears there's been SLIDING.  And that is totally weird.  In the picture above you can see the two bales covered in Green Things Growing, and then an expanse of dead grass clippings in between.

And that, I believe, is a Little Bit Weird.


  1. Ahh! I love that just as we get snow your plants start to grow. Keep the photos coming. You are my therapist. ;-)

  2. You take such good pictures!

    Ah, I had something else to say, but I've forgotten. I'm sure it was a lovely comment.

  3. I haven't seen a garden grow in a hay bale before. This is a first. I love this idea.
    Yea the sliding is weird...

    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!