07 November 2010

Don't say it can't get worse - there are still 3½ hours in the day

I am absolutely furious.  It's been "one of those days" and I'm afraid I made it through with all my loved ones alive only by the skin of my teeth.  I've been fuelled by a lot of food-related and fat-related aggression moments, and only being allowed 10 of my 20 minutes of power-nap in the afternoon did not help at all.

As we closed in on tonight, Buzz and Jessie's fighting has reached insane levels.  The most frustrating part of the sibling rivalry has been that it is punctuated by long periods when they play beautifully and show that they are, after all, very good friends.  Woody has maintained an "Arsenic Hour" pattern of whinging in the late afternoons until bedtime ever since he was a newborn, and that has made everything worse.

My pants are a teensy bit tighter.  This, along with associated issues, makes me hopping mad.  (How many calories does one burn through hopping while mad?)

Woody needs to understand that I would be more favourably disposed towards him if he didn't throw lettuce from his plate around the kitchen, and Jessie needs to understand that the past participle of "wink" is not "wunk" and that trying different vowels gets her no closer to the correct word.  (Please, for the love of all that is good, do not try different vowels at home.)

There's a motion-sensitive noisy toy trapped somewhere in the living room and I'm not sure where it is.  It makes its annoying little noise periodically, and if I don't find it by bedtime, I'm done for.

Anyway.  As if it could get any worse, I was breathing a sigh of relief after Woody had fallen to sleep, Mr de Elba was reading to Buzz, and I had finally wrenched myself away from Jessie and her interminable requests for stories and songs and can-you-sleep-with-me-Mummy, and I made myself a cup of tea.  I could literally feel the stress of the day floating away as I put the teabag in, the kettle boiled, and I began to pour the water into my cup.

I must have been feeling particularly flaccid after the onslaught of the day, because as I leaned my tummy against the bench, the kettle slipped off the lip of my cup and spilled boiling water on the bench, and thence onto my waiting tummy.

I now have an angry red scald mark - across my tummy - and deep into my belly button - which is becoming more painful with each passing minute.


  1. Oh that is not good. I am sure that tomorrow will be better.

    I hope your belly is ok!

  2. Switch to Melbourne time for the evening. That makes it 10pm already... only 2 hours until it's over. :)

  3. All I can do is offer you a big cyber space hug. If I knew how to draw one it would look much better than this -

    Here is a cute mouse though...

    <:3 )~~~

  4. Aren't you glad tomorrow is another day??

  5. Belly button burns are the worst! I once got one during a romantic evening camping with my husband before kids. Our wood was green and an ember popped out of the fire and into my belly button. I went to brush it off in a moment of panic, which only shoved it in further. I had to literally pluck it out and subsequently scalded my fingers too. My husband was actually relieved to see the ember as he thought he had done something HORRIBLY wrong when I began to scream...

  6. Yeah, belly button scalds are the WORST. Skin around there is so soft and sooky.

    And it's horrible when your well-behaved tea turns feral on you like that.

  7. ohhhh owwwww eee aaa that is horrid !!BE BETTER Soon - maybe it needs bio oil to make it feel better - thinking of you le

  8. whoa! That was, for sure, one truly crappy day. bless yer heart, and hope the next while goes better.

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your horrible day!
    Belly button burn! OUCH!!! I hope you can find a way to soothe it ((gentle hugs))

  10. oh my goodness - I am reading this a month after the fact but my goodness do I relate! hope that today is a much better day!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!