31 October 2010

Que Sera Sera

I would love to go to the Que Sera Sera art exhibition on Monday.  I know the organisers are busy and very excited, and I know that the town is hearing about it because it was announced in the Community announcements this morning on a local station.

Only one problem - the announcer pronounced it "Queue Sarah Sarah."

I'm thinking that if you didn't do high school French, surely you've heard of Doris Day?  Failing that - Normie Rowe?  Nope?  Okay, whatever.


  1. Not only have I heard of Doris Day, I am incapable of seeing the words 'que sera sera' without mentally breaking into song.

    ♪♫whatever will be, will be...♫

  2. love that Doris Day movie~ just saw it recently! :)

  3. Well, I didn't do high school French, but when I saw the words my first reaction was "so THAT's how you spell it" followed by the song.

    I am going to be very irritated if this song stays in my head, because I don't know all the words.

  4. ...the future's not ours to see...

    When I was little and before I had French, I remember wondering why it was pronouced "kay" and not "kwuh", which is how it appeared to me!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!