10 September 2010

I hate a good spelling/grammatical error

This post refers to the previous post - if you're new here you'd best read the post dated 8 September first.


Today I received an email from my Dad.

So - did you mean to spell "permissible" wrongly on the blog?
I'm thinking you did!
But it was a great posting!

Who knew?  For 33 years I have been thinking that permissible is one of those -able words.  It's now firmly imprinted on my brain.  When I say it, I am even thinking, "permissable" in my mind.

And it's wrong.  And I made a mistake.  In public.  On my blog.  In a post about spelling errors.


At least Dad was so gracious about it.  Thanks Dad, I'm glad you emailed.  (Perhaps he was gracious because I said in my post that pedants are annoying?  Sorry, pedants.)

Anyway, again I say, "Si-i-i-igh."

permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ... permissible ...


  1. Tee hee. There is actually a law about this, must find the reference. - the fact that it is almost impossible to be error free when commenting on grammatical errors.

  2. In the editing world this is referred to as "Muphry's Law". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muphry's_law

  3. Ha. That is funny. Really I didn't notice the misspelling so that should tell you something. I guess the "judge not lest ye be judge" idea comes into play.
    I did figure out the hard way that blogger would spell check my blog post but not the title. I misspelled a word in a title one time and that was embarrassing.
    ♥ Joy

  4. Hee hee. Ah, we totally breeze over anything like that when the content is engaging enough!

    But it's the best when your dad catches it and points it out. :)

  5. Even though your error was much more understandable than the egregious example, I feel your pain!

  6. Your dad should joint the militant action I heard about on the radio one day this summer (our summer). Seems there's a person (not unlike you and me) who winces at public punctuation/spelling errors, and spends his summers roving the US and Canada with ample 'whiteout' and markers to correct faulty signs as he sees them. Actually got arrested for fixing one at a national monument. Cool. In a geeky kind of way.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!