12 September 2010

Dear Gmail,

I love that you think that I need to see ads referring to content on my current page.  But quite apart from the obvious unnecessary advertisements generated from keywords in innocent emails in recent years discussing unpleasant pregnancy symptoms was the gastronomic insult appearing above my SPAM box today:

Spam Vegetable Strudel, in case you can't quite see that.


  1. That's pretty funny. Although the thought of actually EATING Spam makes me sick. Do they even sell it still?

  2. Makes me want to launch into a terrible rendition of a Monty Python skit. Eeeewww!

    I guess they get quite a few matches (well, actually mis-matches) and a lot of air time. Funny!

  3. Ha! Imagine serving that up to guests.

  4. Sigh, yes. My mum makes a meal that is Kraft Cheese ( you know the stuff you buy from the shelf - not the fridge), Spam (cubed) mixed with macaroni. She calls it 'Macaroni Ham and Cheese'. I never ate it as a child - just couldn't understand pink meat from a can. She now makes it for the girls who choose not to eat the 'pink' meat either- much to my delight. Shudder ... nasty, nasty stuff.....

  5. Sighhh I grew up with Spam.....and Monty Python!!!....post war rationing I guess and the first taste of US food? as for vegetarian (?) Spam.... yukkkkkkkkkkkkk words fail me
    Anne uk


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!