12 July 2010

There might be something wrong with that

I need more time to think when I'm at the shops.

A few years ago, I bought these pyjamas for Buzz.  They didn't bother me at the time, but the following year we had a shocking drama with bedbugs and these pyjamas ceased to be cute anymore.

Then last year, as baby Woody slept in one of my arms, I used the other to flip through a rack of heavily discounted boys' jeans looking for something to fit Buzz.  I found a few pairs that fit the bill, bought them and raced home with my bargains.  When I got home I realised that the two black pairs had skulls on them - not that there's anything wrong with that - but we're not really a skulls-on-clothing type of family - not that there's anything wrong with that - but I thought to myself that I should have had two free hands to flip through the jeans, and I should have taken more time to check the back pockets (and the belts) (and the small details) for skulls - not that there's anything wrong with that.

Today I foolishly put Woody in the stroller while taking three children to the shops instead of putting Woody in the trolley seat.  Once I'd collected a few very large things in my trolley, propelling it as well as the stroller while receiving questionable help from two older children who were determined to destroy each other became difficult.  So I hastily chose two pairs of track pants for Buzz and headed for the checkouts.

When I got home, I noticed that the design on one of them:
... in terms of current world events, was quite topically inappropriate.

Not that (as some might say) there's anything (as you might quite rightly point out) wrong with that (if you're into wearing inappropriate slogans on your clothing.)


  1. I have an idea. I have no kiddos so I could shop FOR you. You tell me what you need and what size and I'll check them out on your behalf.

    Then if there's anything wrong, YOU COULD BLAME ME!!!

    The word verification is "heavils". Are they huge bugs that live in your flour?

    (and yes, the studying is going really well tonight)

  2. Just use a black marker and color over it and you are all set. ;)

  3. I would SO take Hippomanic Jen up on that. Too bad there's the shipping issue in my case. Just put a long-ish shirt on him and forget about it. :-)

    Seriously, what is the attraction to skulls, anyway?

  4. Who puts "Oil Works" on kids' pants anyway? That would be weird even if there weren't an oil disaster.

  5. Well my word verification is "seshall" which is far better than heavil. :-D

    One year, I was shopping at my beloved Land's End outlet store, and I came across a bin of their lovely (and typically rather expensive) insulated lunch bags. As my kiddo was headed off to full day kindergarten in a matter of a few short weeks, I perused the bin with great interest, finding in it a pink lunch bag marked down from $30-some-odd dollars (ridiculous!) to $8. EIGHT dollars for a brand new lunch bag. You can bet I snapped it *right* up and took it home......... where I promptly realized it was monogrammed with the name Skylar across the front. (For those of you who aren't aware, my daughter's name? Not Skylar.)

    Turns out a seam ripper works quite handily at removing Monograms That Aren't Your Child's Actual Name, with a bit of perseverance (and a bit of bad language, ahem) and then the application of a cute, little flower patch to cover where you got a bit overenthusiastic with the seam ripper and sliced the material clean open (see, told you a bit of bad language was required...).

    So, perhaps a seam ripper (used with Utmost Care, as it turns out) would remove either the patch or the wording thereupon? Just a thought..... Or another, larger patch over that patch? Like, say, one of these:



    (Hey, they're not skulls anyhow - not that there's anything wrong with that!)

  6. My boy loves anything with a badge-shaped decal on it. It doesn't matter what the badge is advertising - it's quite clearly a symbol of his lawful authority.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!