13 July 2010

Don't you just love it when ...

Don't you just love it when you HAD a great plan for shelving for your playroom, but it involved a cabinetmaker and lots of money, and you had to sadly put it on the back-burner, then you get the great idea to use existing shelves and some funky little baskets that end up being MUCH cheaper than the original job was going to cost?


  1. Oh yeah, I totally love when that happens!

    Okay, it's never happened... but I love that it happened for you. :)

  2. Oh, If I give you money can you make my house organised and trendy like yours?

  3. Maybe I should do a new post showing all the parts of my place that ARE organised, and all the parts of my place that are so messy you'd think they came out of a Today-Tonight exposé on bad tenants.

  4. It looks great! Every little bit helps when it comes to organizing.

  5. Ooo, that is awesome. I want that for my playroom.

  6. Nice! Our plastic drawers aren't nearly so classy.

  7. I love organised baskets! But, I have to ask...where are the labels?
    'stico' - would have been more appropriate for the next post with your stick people!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!