08 June 2010

A Wonderful Week

Five blogging friends met up this week.  Emily Sue came to visit Givinya de Elba, Crazy Sister, Hippomanic Jen and Swift Jan.  Mrs Long-Lived-Rock also got to meet Emily Sue and put a face to the blog.

Emily Sue confessed that prior to her trip, she was a little worried that we wouldn't all hit it off.  I'm glad that we did though, not least because she spent a considerable amount of time and money travelling the 1,500 km to visit all of us!!  I'm sure she was glad that we declined to play the part of wild Internet crazies and murder her, as proposed in the weeks prior to her visit.

Fourteen minutes after Emily Sue's bus left town, she sent a text message to me.

Emily Sue: I've changed my mind - can I come back?? ;)

Givinya: Absolutely!!!

Emily Sue: Great!  Now to work out how to hijack the bus ...

Givinya: I will just wait here at the bus station until you return.

Emily Sue: Ok.  You might want to buy a coffee while you're waiting.  Sigh.  That's the worst part of great holidays ... they have to end.  And this one was a ripper.

- - - - -

We really did have a wonderful time!


  1. That is so awesome that you got to meet up with some bloggy friends. It is still my goal to some day get over there and meet you in real life.


  2. Yay! I'm so glad you all had a wonderful visit! I hope Emily Sue gave you all a squeeze for me as I asked her to do before she left. :-)

  3. You should have told her NO, since your parking meter had run out of time.

    Ha ha ha

  4. I'm glad she had as much fun as I did. Let's do it again sometime!

  5. Hey where's the pictures. I want to see pictures of the great blogger meet-up.
    How fun for you all. Glad everyone hit it off and no one was injured haha.
    ♥ Joy

  6. It was a blast to meet up fpr lunch last Thursday. Glad Emily-Sue had a great holiday :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!