08 June 2010

Not so helpful

There's helpful, and then there's helpful.

On Monday morning, the first school day of the new school week, Buzz woke up and got dressed.  All by himself.

In his Superman costume.


  1. That's cute! Monday was your first day of the new school year and it was my last day of the old school year. We are opposites in SO many ways!!!!

  2. ....and his mother, having given up on the "what the child(ren) have on, clothing-wise, when leaving the house" battle, let him go to school that way?

    Oh wait, he has to wear a uniform, doesn't he? Never mind, guess it was a battle after all then......

  3. Maybe he's going to start attending Sky High where the super heros go.
    ♥ Joy

  4. Did you let him go dressed like that? hehe I have been tempted to send mine in their pj's!

  5. Sorry that I get such a giggle from your "helpful" son. Bless 'im.

  6. :)

  7. I can imagine him looking into his clothes cupboard, thinking, "Today... I go for the gusto."


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!