06 May 2010

Perhaps I shouldn't have said there was ONE error...

Oh dear. Perhaps my grammar should have been better, Emily Sue. And perhaps I shoud have proof-read before I hashed up the spelling of "Cluedo", veiledturnip. Thankyou both.

Alas, the error was in the title. I hit "Publish" before I checked to find that there is, indeed, no "Drawing Room" in the original game.

NOW I realise that I wrote my comment relating to this error before I'd done a further search to find that there is, again indeed, a "Drawing Room" in the UK version and in the "Master Detective" version of the game (and who knows where else, too.)

Please feel free never to play along with my silly little "find the error" games again.


  1. re: errors in your posts - um, don't care, just like to read your stuff.

  2. The movie "Clue" had a dining room....

  3. veiiledturnip08 May, 2010 15:32

    Nothing wosre than poeple poiting out your errors! But I do enjoy playing games - sorry :(


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!