05 May 2010

Mrs Peacock - in the drawing room - with the candlestick

Sometimes, through blogging and commenting on other people's blogs, you make some friends. Believe it or not, I've made a friend. Her name is Emily Sue and she blogs at Reaching For Green. Emily Sue has become such a good friend of mine that she's coming to visit. When she comes, she plans to spend time with me, my Crazy Sister and another friend of ours, Hippomanic Jen who lives a little over an hour away.

During the week that Emily Sue will be here, I have a few other visitors to slot in as well. Emily Sue and I were sorting out which nights might be better for her to stay with someone else, when she said, "Whatever works for you is totally fine with me. Stay with one internet-crazy, stay with two, stay with three... what's the difference? :D" (We were on Google Talk, hence the smiley.)

Which raises a good point. In coming to visit us, she's really having to trust that we are not
murderers, thieves or ugly smelly old men.

I pointed out to her that she can't be murdered by all three of us, and perhaps whoever hosts her first can have first dibs on killing her. (Sorry Hippomanic Jen, you weren't privy to any of this conversation.)

She then went on to suggest she may stay with first (and -erm- last) the person who would kill her in the most painless way. A conversation about methods of murdering internet acquaintances followed.

She was understandably worried about Death by Puppy, as we all have dogs and she has a fear of dogs.

Crazy Sister joined our chat and volunteered that she favoured fire, herself. (Is it any wonder her neighbours rigged up an electric fence, Emily Sue mused later. She did not suspect it was because of the dog.)

I prefer a more Cleudo method, so long as I can dress up as one of the characters. Perhaps I could don a Colonel Mustard uniform (not out of the realms of possibility) and if Emily Sue and I just happened to be strolling through our conservatory and I just happened to see a spanner ...

I wonder what Hippomanic Jen would choose?

Please feel free to comment, Hippomanic Jen, and then Emily Sue, you will be free to plan your itinerary.


  1. Sigh. Spot the error in my post. The winner will win prestige. The prestige of catching me out not doing my homework before posting.

  2. I would NEVER set fire to a person!

    I want to be Miss Scarlet with the... um... leather bound book?

  3. I just want to say that I am a bit jealous of Emily Sue. I wanna come and visit you even if Crazy Sister likes to play with fire.

  4. What Jen said.

    And I refuse to become the person who actually LOOKS for errors, even if I have this annoying condition where they tend to jump out at me. There was no jumping this time. :-)

  5. That is so awesome that you get to meet an internet friend! I don't know if I will ever get to Australia to meet you! :( I have made friends with such nice people via my shop, blogging & flickr!

  6. Aw, Ma-a-an!!!
    And I was just saying to my wife the other day how we could ..... "never mind" [spoken in Saturday Night Live-Emily Lattela(Gilda Radner) voice].

    Seriously, over here in the Glorious U.S. we now have "Craigs List" murders going on - people who answer adds for high dollar goods and then go kill for them - creeeeepy.

    word verification = overderi(not to be confused with overhere-i)

  7. Is the mistake "She did not suspect it was because of the dog" (rather than "she did suspect it was not because of the dog")?

    I would accept death-by-spanner for the chance to stroll through your conservatory, if you had one.

    I should point out that if there's any way of meeting Swift Jan I'd like to do that too, so there's another potential murderer. She doesn't have to give me a bed; she can murder me anywhere. I'm not picky, really.

    Of course, there's also the possibility that *I* am not who I have claimed, and I shall murder all of *you*. There's something to keep you awake tonight.

  8. veiledturnip06 May, 2010 09:17

    I saw the mistake "Cluedo" and at first just thought I didn't know how to spell it! We have the Simpsons version so you could try using a doughnut or a plutonium rod!

  9. Bahahahaha.... you raise a good point about YOU being the murderer Emily Sue!!

    I would LOVE to meet you my friend! I will just say I am happy to travel to Toowoomba (or wherever). But if you need a break from all the crazy murderers I am happy to show you Brisvegas :D

  10. How fun you get to meet another blogger in person. Ya'll have fun and try not to hurt one another. :)
    ♥ Joy

  11. I like Emily Sue's suggestion that she might be the murderer. It's sort of a long way to go to murder someone. If you HAD to be murdered, it'd be nice to choose which method would be the least painful, though!

  12. Not scared of being murdered. After all, we have a vicious dog to protect us, so Emily Sue would be cowering in the guest room.

    Or at least, she would be, if she were as she has represented herself...

    Oh, Houston, we have a problem...

  13. And I'm now considering all the ways I could murder someone. Fortunately Givinya has found the perfect hiding spot for bodies in my kitchen, so we're okay there.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!