26 April 2010

One good turn deserves another

Those who were reading Killing A Fly back in early October 2008 just prior to the kitchen renovation might remember this blog post.

Mum was helping me put every item from my kitchen into boxes before the old kitchen was demolished and the new one was installed.

And she labelled the boxes. Presumably, the labels reflected her opinion of what was inside the boxes.

After reading through the labels she'd put on my boxes, I got the strange feeling ...

... that I'd read all this junk before.

Hmm.  I'm not sure which was the greater problem: that approximately one third of my possessions had been labelled "Junk" or that if I went in search of some actual "junk", I wouldn't know which of the 9 boxes above it would be in.

But what goes around, as they say, comes around.

My dear mother, after 25 years in a rapidly-dating kitchen with lime green laminex benchtops, is having her kitchen renovated this week.

Oh, the possibilities.

I've taken the liberty of preparing some labels for Mum.

Just to save you time, you know, Mum?

Don't mention it. I'm here for you Mumsy.

I just wanted to help.


  1. Sadly, those labels could be used in my kitchen too...

  2. Ha ha! Beautiful! I particularly like all seven or so of her blenders and food processors, each of which does one specific job very well.

  3. Way to get her back! hee hee!

  4. Love it! How about - things without lids/bottoms. Things that don't work. Things that just take up room. (Sadly all suit my cupboard)

  5. I usually have several boxes labelled "glasses that used to be jam jars" and "good platters I'll never get around to using" and "electric items I swore I would use more than twice... but didn't".

  6. Hey!
    I saw your comment on my post and sure ask away! It's always fun to share ideas with another SLP.
    You can e-mail me at
    Looking forward to your questions!

  7. Oh yeah, liking that a lot. Didn't you or your Crazy Sister go through packing issue not too long ago during a big move?

    the word verification is "wiggoo"

  8. Now where were you and your helpful Sharpie when I was packing to move last year, eh? I have at least a dozen boxes marked "Misc" and another few dozen marked "Misc Fragile" still waiting to be unpacked out on our back porch.....

  9. I popped over from Mamma has Spoken. I cannot begin to tell you how much fun I've had visiting. The labels are just too funny!

  10. That is very well organized. I wish I were nearly that organized with my kitchen renovation currently underway, where items are loosely strewn through the diningroom, basement and elsewhere.

    Your mother should thank you. :)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!