15 April 2010

Don't tell me ...

Don't tell me that breastfeeding "shouldn't hurt."  Once they start growing little knives from their gums, sucking vulnerable parts of another person's body across the knives hurts.  Having dracula teeth adds a level of "sinister" to the whole thing.  If you don't believe me, I'll let you have a go.

Don't tell me spiders are busy creatures.  It seems to me they have too much time on their 'hands.'
This spider seemed to do pretty well, then spaced out a little every 9 or 10 rows.  Interesting.

Don't tell me I'm brilliant ...
I already know!  After YEARS of not sewing anything because I am absolutely hopeless, I have made an apron!  Everyone cheer now.  It's fully reversible, due to a small boy's inability to choose which fabric he preferred.  The neckstrap has a snap on it instead of being long enough to accommodate a head going through it.  This means the top part can go right up to the neck instead of flopping down.  Yes, I am clever.  Yay for me.

Don't tell me ...

...we had enough pink in our lives.  Somebody is now three.  Now we have pink curtains, clock, clothes, dolls' stroller, sunglasses, etc.  Because you can never have too much pink.

But don't tell me I've got it all together.  Sadly, the story my sister told is true.  Sometimes you just wangle your turds.  Oops I mean tangle your ...oh nevermind.


  1. Ok, I won't tell you. ;)

  2. Happy pink birthday A-L xoxox

  3. Those teeth look scary! The apron is marvellous, and the pink suits your little girl.

    Thanks for the link. I spent ages writing that post, and I don't think anybody wants to read it.

  4. Wangle your turds? I really want to know what the real expression is.

    I'm no breastfeeder, but... ouch.

  5. I love your photo of the distracted spider's web, pretty, and strange...

    And as for the pink... those of us who didn't go through the phase when we were 3 are going through it Now (pink bag, pink hat, pink nailpolish, pink slippers, pink...) so now is good (tho by 'us' I possibly mean 'just me') :) Pink rox...

  6. I have a friend who, when pregnant with her daughter, actually prayed "please God, save me from the fairy princess". Her daughter? TOTAL fairy princess - pink, frills, dresses... the works! God has an awesome sense of humour, sometimes.

    Happy Birthday, Jessie.

  7. after reading this in a state of sleep deprivation on the day I returned from OS, I dreamed I liked pink and sparkles. Weird.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!