14 April 2010

At the dinner table ...

Jessie:  What's that word I say when I burp?

Me: "Pardon" (in a French accent, for she excuses herself in French, which is mighty cute.)

Jessie:  Ah, yes, pardon.  (Reaching for her lemonade:)  Are you ready?


  1. I love her! It's even cuter because that big grin of hers is right below the story. I was just reading your sidebar again. I think you get on here and tinker around when we're not looking. At any rate, your descriptions are genius. Bethany and Jessie have a lot in common.

  2. Oh man, I love this girl. :)

  3. LOL. At least you get a warning. My 13 yr. old just sends it out there for us to gross out over!

  4. I'd say that is fair warning. She is so smart. Love it.
    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!