27 December 2009


I stepped into the sandpit to put its cover across further.  It had been raining all night.

Argh!  It ate my foot!  And then my other foot!

Of course, having a Quicksandpit in the backyard was the best Post-Christmas Fun ever!

And the cleanup was great.


  1. How wonderful that you guys have been getting RAIN!!!!! Fantastic fun!! I wanna be a kid again :)

  2. Brim over I agree but I think the list inform should prepare more info then it has.

  3. Good on you for letting your littlies get so dirty for fun! I only hope I'll be that brave when my baby gets to that age! Aaaahhh!!! Great shots!

  4. The comment from "Anonymous" above was so funny I thought I'd leave it there.

  5. Great photography. Now you need some more rain to get your fence clean...

  6. Part of me is saying "wow, that looks fun" and another part is imagining the feel of quicksand in my undies. Eww.

  7. Well, of course that was some awesome fun!

  8. great pics ! have a wonderful holiday season and see you in 2010 :) le

  9. Parent who let their kids do that are the BEST! I remember my parents used to let us slide down the high muddy banks of the creek near our house and into the water over and over and over again. My brother wore a hole in the back of his underwear from sliding so much!

  10. Oh, that looks like some good muddy fun. Good job documenting it with pictures!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!