27 December 2009

Decipher This

Oh no!  Due to some absurd spam comments I have had to re-introduce the Word Verification to my comments section.  I will take more drastic anti-spamming measures if this doesn't fix the problem.

Spammers have way too much free time on their hands.


  1. that stinks. I've had one or two weird comments come across, but nothing very consistent.
    Hopefully I won't have to turn it back on.

  2. I haven't gotten anything weird yet. It's a pain tho!

  3. I've had a couple although they've mostly been on really old posts so I haven't worried too much. I'll get tough if it continues.

  4. I know, what is wrong with these people?! Oh, maybe I'm one of those spammers you're referring to? Ugh!


  5. Goodness no! I always love comments from The Crumbs!

  6. that sucks, I'm sorry you've been getting a lot of spam! love that since I moved to wordpress Akismet blocks 90% or more of the spam comments - because they really bug me so I don't even like seeing them!
    stupid spammers, I hope they get warts.

  7. I've been getting all sorts of odd spam comments on my blog, too. It seems to have picked up quite significantly in the past 3-4 weeks. It doesn't matter the language used, I don't want any Cialis or Viagra thankyouverymuch.

    I am thinking of turning wv back on for mine as well. Le sigh.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!