11 December 2009

Happy Birthday, Little Girl

She was born a beauty.
She was born treasured.
She was born precious.

She was born ...
my sister.
Julie Maree,
born 11 December 1979.

I often think of her, wondering what she would look like, who she would be, and whether she would like me being her big sister.

Would she be married? Would she have a career? Would she have children, and be a cool Aunty for my kids?

She died at 7 months of age on 7 July 1980 from neuroblastoma, a rare childhood cancer. I certainly have grieved losing her over the years, but it was truly my parents' pain - I was only 3½.

And now, every time I come across a blog written by parents who have lost a little one to the same disease, I stop and think a little. I pray for them. I thank God that this sorrow is one I have not experienced. And then I pray for the parents again.

Thankyou God for looking after her until we can play again.

Happy 30th Birthday, precious girl.


  1. Now I"m all weepy. Thankyou God for looking after her for my mate, her siblings and her parents.

  2. Ditto weepiness. Thank you, God, that even in the middle of terrible tragedy you are good and loving, and that you grieve with us.

    (And on a side note, I hadn't realised how much Nat looks like you. Wow.)

  3. I know! I borrowed Julie's album from Mum and Dad last night - it's full of pictures of me looking just like Nat. Or vice versa.

  4. Look at you two, with your brown hair and brown eyes. Just beautiful! I must have seemed like such a changeling coming after Julie with my blonde hair and blue eyes...

    What a thing to happen.

  5. Crazy Sister, perhaps the fact that you looked so different was part of God's grace - so you could be loved and cherished for YOU without being a painful and bittersweet reminder of your sister.

  6. She'd have loved her big sister. A big sister who clearly loved her. Aren't you glad you have these photos to see how much you treasured her?

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your sister who will always be remebered.

  8. A lovely tribute Kate.
    That last picture looks just like nat and Anna... :)

    Thanks for sharing these precious photos xoxo

  9. How precious! That is so sweet of you to post about her!

  10. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet baby sister. I can't imagine the pain either that your parents and family went thru.
    She was precious.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!