10 December 2009

The end of an era

Tomorrow is Nat's final day of pre-prep (kindy). He has loved it! And because of the free-and-easy nature of the teachers, I have loved the year too.

Nat has had some wonderful experiences this year including:

Playing all day, every day with the Mobilo - his favourite pastime.

Crazy Hair Day! Some kids had teasing and coloured spray and weird stuff goin' on. Nat just had Wax. His was an Awesome Hair day.

Learning about the postal service - addressing a letter to himself, posting it and seeing it turn up in the letterbox at home. Enjoying the visit from Postie Martin who came and let the kids sit on his bike.

Excursion to the town library and the Fire Station, sitting in a fire engine.

Goodbye Kindy! It's been great. Off to Prep in 2010!


  1. We had a breakup day today, too. I guess a lot of us Aussie mums did. It was sad.

  2. Congratulations Nat on graduating :)

    Gee he looks like hid Daddy with cRaZy hair!!

  3. Wow, what a great year he has had!

  4. Glad he had such a fun year! And even bigger things ahead. Joy!

  5. I was gonna say the same thing. He looks so much like his pappa bear in the hair photo!

    Aphid #1 finishes too. Hooray for Prep next year!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!