03 November 2009

The Latest of Nat's Dreams Involving My Death

Nat's been dreaming about me dying in odd circumstances. I'm not sure what this means.

"Mum. In my dream last night, you blasted poo, and then your pants fell down, and then you died."



  1. Blasted poo?! OMG, hilarious! The dying part is not funny, but the poo part definitely is.

  2. Funny you should talk about dreams and poo today, because I had a dream last night about poo. I dreamed that somehow I had gotten it (mine) everywhere and "ruined my kids' chances". Whatever that means. Mom guilt, I suspect. Anyway, I'm glad that you talked about poo here, because you allowed me to feel free to talk about it here, and not my blog. Feel free to come on over to my place and say something you don't want to say here.

    Poor Nat. I think parents dying is a huge fear for kids.

  3. oh dear... not a nice way to die is it!

  4. Probably more "sh" than "art" though.

  5. That's a unique dream right there

  6. I think even Joseph would struggle to interpret that one!

  7. If that happened to me in real life, I WOULD die, so it seems realistic to me!

  8. Fingers crossed he doesn't repeat it to everyone at Kindy, church, and Grandma's house...

    Too funny!

  9. I am sorry- can't stop laughing at that one! I hope you keep a journal- although I guess your blog is one. :) I agree that if I happened to me, I would WANT to die!

  10. Ah, the farting to make him laugh is coming back around, isn't it? :) You are.the.best.mom.ever.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!