05 November 2009

Jaz. Snap.

I was taking pictures of Jaz in the late afternoon yesterday. She gave me a few lovely smiles,

then just as I was snapping her, she snapped at a fly. At first I thought it ruined the photo. Then I realised it made it so much better.

Low light = slower shutter speed, therefore her teeth blurred a little as she snapped, making them look longer. Sadly though, it means we can't see the fly.


  1. haha soo cute!! brilliant photo!! :)

  2. I love the way her body is still all laying down and relaxed, while her face is completely tensed. The first one is really gorgeous. She may be naughty, but she's obviously survived on cute.

  3. I saw that you did an awesome job! But the teeth are a little scary.

  4. It's almost like she knew it was coming! Her right eye looks a little craaaaazy like she's just biding her time until.....

  5. Jekyll & Hyde dog! Gah!!

    Great photos. Wish Martha was more like Jaz. Your pup seems so much cooler than our mental border collie. I mean, at least in that first photo she seems, um, calm.

    You must send me advice. Please.

    Great photos, by the way. You always take fantastic pictures.

  6. Wow! So that's the sight that my dog saw the last time Jaz attacked her, hey?

  7. Geez, and you people wonder why I'm afraid of dogs?? They will TURN ON YOU. Don't be fooled by that (admittedly very gorgeous) doggy smile.

  8. Beautiful pictures showing two faces of this one darling

  9. Jaz's teeth are a little sharp!! I love the first one though, she is quite a pretty dog

  10. Your dog has a great smile.
    I only have one picture of my dog smiling. I wish I could see her do it again.



Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!