24 November 2009

Day Two of Mr de Elba's Schoolies' Week sailing around the Whitsundays!

What happened to day one? I forgot to blog. Sorry.

You may remember that last year, Mr de Elba was a leader on a SU Schoolies camp at the Whitsunday Islands. Well, he's doing it again! And while I'm a little lonely at home, I am so thankful that my man can have such a great job, enjoying weeks away like this (at a price!)

(Schoolies Week ~is approximately equal to~ Spring Break)

Nat said before he left, "I am so sad that Dad's going on camp!" and I had to say, "How wonderful that our Daddy enjoys his job so much and it gives him opportunities to do fabulous things like this, and come home rested and relaxed and ready to play wtih YOU!" And it's true!

In lieu of a real blog post, I will share with you a thought that came to me at the local supermarket.

Question: What does a True Lady do when she spots a gentleman from church at the shops, minus his family, and in the company of another woman and her children?
Answer: Keep watching, for otherwise there would be no opportunity to learn that he was in fact not in company with them, but merely in the same aisle browsing similar products.


  1. Wow, lucky Mr de Elba! I just read the whole info page, it looks awesome! I would do my schoolies that way if I had the chance again. That said, I spent my week getting sunburnt in Byron Bay and it was fabulous.

    As for shopping, you are a very wise woman to wait just a little longer to work out the real situation!
    He could also have been shopping with his brother's wife and nephews / nieces, or his cousin, or... or....
    I'd go and say hi, wait to be introduced, and see if he acted embarrassed!

  2. hehe, the thought probably would have crossed my head too...

  3. shwwww. Glad we got that straight.

    Thanks for hanging out and checking on the situation.

    ♥ Joy


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!