02 June 2009

Shut the door, wipe it clean, make it tidy.

My little girl has some funny quirks. She has a thing for completion and tidiness. All cupboard doors and drawers must be shut, evidenced here in our Kitchen Game:

I get my wrists slammed in the drawers frequently when I am putting away the cutlery, and sometimes I open a cupboard, turn to take hold of a Very Large and Heavy Kitchen Object, turn back to put it way, and ... the door is shut.

Many of the internal doors in the house need to be shut (unless a parent needs them shut, when they must be open, e.g., when we are in the bathroom for some peace & quiet.)

It's good when things are untidy, because you can play on her need for tidiness and get a little help around the place.

But tonight as I turned to see the lists of things to do on my whiteboard, I realised she was taking things too far.

My lists used to fill the whiteboard. Now I've lost the lower half of them, including some important phone numbers.

Wiped clean. Up to Smoochy's reaching height. Great.


  1. Although some small part of me understands that this even could potentially cause you pain, it is so funny!!!

    (By the way, do you need my number?)

  2. Event. Event, not even. Gee, I should proof-read my comments.

  3. Wow. She could be my daughter. Does she hate having dirty hands too?

  4. Hip-Jen, it wasn't the event-even part of your comment I didn't get - it was the do-I-need-your-number part.

    Oh, you mean was it YOUR number she erased? No, but she erased the number of your supervisor, which I may get again!

    Yes, Femina, dirty Anything is cause for a shower. If she was 18, you'd wonder if it was OCD. But she's 2, so it's more like a 2-yr-old thing, with a particular fondness for having a shower.

  5. It could be worse. She could require that they all be OPEN....

  6. Mine were opposite of yours. They wanted everything OPEN and DUMPED OUT on the floor. Oy.

  7. Can she come teach my girls the fine art of closing things. I should post my daughters bathroom. Every drawer is open and the cabinet doors are wide open. DRIVES ME INSANE. Good for Smoochy,
    but sorry about your noteboard.

    She's a busy girl.


  8. I just keep hitting PLAY and giggling! :P I like this game!

    But, ohhhhhh the whiteboard could be catastrophic. I hope you can remember what's on it! Yikes~

    And am loving your sidebar lists. So happy you've found a good Thai restaurant...BEYOND important!

  9. haha that is so funny. I have a little giggle just thinking about it :P

    Bummer about the whiteboard though.

  10. Oh that video is just so cute. She is just too funny. Is that your new house? I love the kitchen, it is beautiful!
    About the white board, I guess you were not meant to do those things.
    Oh and I can't remember, when is the baby coming?

  11. Oh dear smoochy!! Your poor mother!

    (from the outside looking in though it IS very funny & cute!)

  12. It has always baffled me how their arms can grow six inches from one day to the next.

    God bless the adorable Smoochy Girl and give her a little two year old discernment about HELPFUL tidiness.

  13. This is SO funny!/ Stella slams drawers shut too, but I think it's because she doesn't want to bang her head on them. She does not, however, have a penchant for tidyness. She definitely inherited my messy gene :-)

  14. well it is nice to have a low cost activity to share in these belt tightening times :) le

  15. I'll trade you two messy boys for one neatnik girl! It would be a nice change from the people who live in my house who never close a cupboard door, wipe off the whiteboard, or pick up their darn socks!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!