02 April 2009

So many lasts

When you buy a house, and also when you sell a house, things can move slowly. Big decisions are made, then everyone sits tight for a long time until things "go unconditional" and they they sit tight for longer until things "settle." And so you never quite know WHEN to tell your blog about it.

For this reason, I've omitted to tell my blog that:

1. Our lovely Ipswich House is SOLD!

This comes after a time of Utmost Craziness getting the place ready for Open Homes. It sold in 7 days. Look how tidy it was! I cried a lot because I fell in love with this place all over again, then I realised that after working through it, I would be ready to move on. I had just fallen in love with the tidiness.

2. Our lovely Toowoomba House is OURS!

It looks humbler from the front (I like that in a house) but it's really quite long and it is much bigger than our old house. More bedrooms, living spaces, bigger kitchen (if not quite as new) and a real laundry, not just a corner of the garage.

We walked through it way back on 20 February and both said to each other "I like it!!" Made an offer, haggled a bit, signed a contract, went unconditional on 9 March and then we had the ultimate grace in a long settlement. This gave us time to list our Ipswich home, sell it and for THAT contract to go unconditional. Our sale settles a day before our purchase, and this all happens next week.

So now we are having a lot of lasts. It's only Silly Old Me who is mentioning lasts. But it matters to me.

Today was Sonny and Smoochy's last day with Aunty Awesome. She is a Family Day Care Carer, but she is also their great-aunt. We have enjoyed 3 years of easy-going fun and both the children love being at her house. We will miss her!

Here she is with Sonny Ma-Jiminy when he was a day or two old:

And here she was today, looking after my two kids so wonderfully that I wonder if I'll ever be able to find a Family Day Care Carer to fill her shoes:

So this week we've had our Last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (I'm embarrassed to be typing this out) and tonight was the kids' Third Last Shower in the old shower (it's ridiculous I know, we're not getting executed or anything) and HELP ME I JUST CAN'T STOP!!!

Hey ho. On Monday some "Packers" will come here (with their Magic Wands I presume) and put all our possessions into boxes, bless their hearts. It was my make-or-break issue about the move. No Packers: No Moving. And bless the hearts of those at Mr de Elba's work who agreed to pay for it!

On Tuesday, all our furniture and boxes will be loaded into a container. On Wednesday we are ever-so-slightly homeless, and on Thursday, we move in. Goodness knows how long I will be without Internet. I will try to schedule some posts for you for next week, but if you cease to hear from me for a bit, don't worry.

I've just been crushed under a pile of packing boxes or something.


  1. Oh my dearest Givinya!!

    First of all, YAY for the selling of the old house and purchase of the new!

    Secondly, YAY for the closing on both in such close proximity! (We're hoping for the same thing!!)

    Thirdly, JEALOUS that you have packers coming. We have movers, but they won't be packing for us. Of course, 90% of our stuff is already packed and in the storage unit, so it seems a bit lame to whine about boxing up what few possessions we have left in the house. I'm fairly certain 90% of those are Kiddo's stuffed animals.

    Lastly (like how I saved this one for last?), I'm TOTALLY with you on the counting down of lasts. I do the same thing for everything and I'm sure that I will be doing it myself in the coming weeks here. We've been sold-n-bought for less than 24 hours and I was already getting misty-eyed thinking how this will be the LAST time Kiddo hunts for her Easter eggs in this yard... This from the woman who counted down to the "last time I will take a shower/dry my hair/walk out the door as a single woman" the day of my wedding.....

    So, I totally get where you're coming from, I really, really do.

    Much love and good vibes for packing/moving/unpacking/settling in/getting internet access quickly restored (whoops, that last bit is selfish on my part - just don't want to go without my usual, daily chat!) for you and the de Elbas in the coming days!! (((HUGS)))

  2. Wheeeeeeeee! I am so THRILEED! I love the pics of your old place and am AMAZED that it sold so quickly! Not because there was anything wrong with it, but because here in the US we're in a HUGE crunch and people's houses are sometimes listed for SIX MONTHS! So congratulations on a quick turnaround!

    And WOOO-HOOOOO for the new place! I got chills just thinking about it, and I am so glad that either you have turned around in your thinking about the move or are at least putting your best foot forward.

    Go crazy with the "lasts!" Why not? If it helps in achieving "closure," I'm all about it.

    I cannot believe the day is upon us! You're moving! *insert trumpet fanfare*

  3. I am so happy for you that this all worked out but I can only imagine all the stress and work in the next couple of days. Hang in there.
    I wish you a smooth trip and some good blog material out of the whole move.
    You will be in my thoughts, well you always are.

  4. Wow, it's time. Sigh. But your bloggy friends? We'll all still be right here. No change of address! Praying it goes well...many, many blessings to all the deElbas!

  5. Congratulations on the quick sale. Both houses are lovely. I love the back yard in the new house. Looks like a great place for kids to play. I pray it all goes smoothly and you will settled and feeling at home soon.


  6. Yay! It's awesome that you were able to find a new home and be released from the old one so quickly.

    So glad you get packers to help you!

    Whenever we have moved, I've walked through the empty house and said goodbye. I guess that's like counting lasts for me.

    Here's to all the upcoming firsts.

  7. your new home looks lovely, best of luck with the move.

  8. Yes - look forward to all the upcoming firsts!

  9. This post made me think of our move one year ago to our current house. I felt the same about leaving the old house, especially after cleaning it and fixing it up so much for the sale. But, our new house is also bigger, albeit more of a fixer upper (arg).

    Not nearly as nice as your new place looks! It's a wonderful looking house and one that I'm sure you will feel very comfortable calling home in no time at all. Good luck with the move and, as Jen said, you'll likely have some great blog material after it takes place!

    Will be thinking of you as you embark on your new adventure this week. Cherish those few more lasts in the old place, then feel refreshed as you launch into a wonderful new adventure!!

  10. Both of those homes are GORGEOUS. I'm so jealous. :) Congrats on your beautiful new home, and good wishes on this new adventure!

  11. Congratulations on your new home! May your move be swift and painless.

  12. congrats on selling/buying!! thenew house looks really nice!!! :) :)
    we will miss you heaps!! but you haven't seen the last of us!! we envisage many road trips to see you's!!..... plus don't forget i have Mr DeElba's guitar!! :) :) :)

  13. well done - you have pulled this altogether wonderfully - great outcomes, great timing - great mum that you are - my best for life on the ridge up high - le xoxoxo

  14. Three cheers! Frankly, I am jealous about your organization skills! I had considered early this morning taking horrid pictures of mountains of stuff here and there in my home - to threaten myself and motivate me to 'move it' before I post it on the blog and blab all. :-)

    Your homes were both lovely, but you and I know that the true 'home' is you. I know you will be happy wherever you are.

  15. It is great you have had such luck in the selling/buying. I hope your transition up the range is a smooth one. I can understand your "lasts". We go through similar tomorrow when mum and dads house is handed over, so many memories! Yet we all move on through life, and make new memories, but still the nostalgia hits sometimes


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!