04 April 2009

Goodbye to my first private practice

Today, I did my last Saturday morning at work. In the centre of town is a lovely little private practice with a number of ladies who all work part-time. In early 2006 they took me on, and I have really enjoyed the autonomy, the flexibility and the income that my one or two days a week has provided. I have felt like a stay-at-home Mum while feeling like a career woman, all rolled into one. It's been a great time.

So today, after my last little client, I packed up my assessments, therapy resources, scrapbooks, business cards and everything else, turned off the lights and shut the door.

One day, I'll start up a new practice in Toowoomba. In the meantime, I am only a full-time mother - nothing else, no juggling, no balancing - ONLY focussing on one job! That sounds pretty good to me!


  1. I don't know that I'd describe yourself as "only" a full time mother. That's a pretty big job!

  2. I'm with Femina on this one! I'm melancholy about another "last," but here's to embracing your full-time motherhood!

  3. hello you - welcome to the full time mothering lifestyle of the not so rich and ultimately not very famous - hee hee - but you are lucky today - you are my random march commentor and you win the PRIZE - go over and claim your victory - hugs le

  4. I too have a foot in both worlds, mom and working but when you put it that way just just having one job sounds good.

  5. Enjoy having just one job! :)

  6. Motherhood is the toughest and best jobs a woman can ever have! Enjoy every moment...it goes by so very, very fast.

    Nana Tantrum

  7. I hope that "just mothering" suits you well for a while, that you don't miss work too much, but that you'll look forward to starting up again in the future! Thingamababy will enjoy your attention for a while. You're still young!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!