26 March 2009

If you let a kid touch your computer...

In all my years of using the Internet, I have never ONCE landed on a page with adult content. EVER. Not by accident, not by design. It's just not as easy as some people make out, at least, I guess not if you're visiting the innocuous sorts of sites I visit.

But in five minutes, Sonny Ma-Jiminy has navigated from:

1. my recent post about his party to...

2. a previous post about the flight attendant doing raps to...

3. a Youtube video about a Thai flight attendant doing raps to...

4. goodness knows what else to...

5. a Youtube video entitled "Funny Video of Flight Attendant Showing How To Use a Condom" which I clicked out of before I got the link. So if you want to watch it (I didn't cos I already KNOW stuff), you'll have to look it up for yourself, hee hee!!


  1. How do they do it? I have never ended up anywhere interesting. But a small child can find anything. Why do I get the feeling that internet filters only protect the adults?

  2. Its only a matter of time before Hayden does this. How do they do this?

  3. Somehow it just seems unfair that you've get to de-virginize your eyes from unsolicited internet adult content.

  4. I think it's only a matter of time before I find all kinds of goodies on my computer (or in the cache!). Kids are brilliant little monkeys.

    I will pass on checking out the instructional video you pointed out because I, too, already know stuff. I didn't used to work at a sexual health organization and have nothing to show for it! :)

  5. Visiting from SITS - hope you had a great day!

  6. Yikes! I'm sending some people over to your place today to look at a pic from the party, so I hope they don't start aimlessly clicking away like Sonny Ma-Jiminy...they might get more than they bargained for! :)

  7. jeez I will have to google it then. I always wondered how those things worked ;)

  8. Just a couple of weeks ago mini-ken asked me to help him find a particular brand of sneakers. I went online to call our local sports retailer Dicks Sporting Goods. Well it didn't even cross my mind what might come up when I typed in you-know-what .com but by my expression mini-ken clearly knew I was NOT looking at shoes!!

    He coughed a little and said 'you're going to need to type in the whole name including sportinggoods.com- that's happened to me too' WHAT!!! Time to 1. rename that particular franchise or 2. Find another local sports retailer b/c I'm not rolling that particular dice again!!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!