02 December 2008

Party party party

I saw something funny today. I didn't have my camera on me, so I'll have to re-create it and because I'm not good at Photoshop, I'll have to use MS Paint.

I looked out the window and saw Sonny Ma-Jiminy climbing the neighbour's fence with a red party hat on his head. He looked a little bit like this:

I thought that was pretty funny until I thought about what I must have looked like at the time:

Cooking with a blue party hat on my head.

In fact, since Sonny had the bright idea that we should all put party hats on, I've done a few weird things with a blue party hat. Here is me at the washing line:

Yeah. That's me crying at the washing line with a blue party hat on my head. I was crying because I wrote that previous post, and things were getting real for me. By 'real' I mean 'real sad'. I was feeling miserable and alone. So I did the only sensible thing: I hung out washing while crying.

At least I was dressed for a party.


  1. Awwwwww (((((hugs)))))

    Would it make you feel better if I sent you my George Clooney picture as a housewarming present for your new digs?

  2. awwwww ((hugs)) Luff you K....

  3. I enjoyed your pics. I'm sorry for what the last one represented. Love you heaps.

  4. So funny and so sad all at the same time. I didn't know what a great artist you were. I love the photos and what a fashion statement the party hats make.

  5. Oh my goodness! I'm just catching up with your news. I'm so sorry for your loss, and not the least of all your new kitchen. I would be right there with you, and I refuse to even think about such a thing though it could certainly happen. At least your dearest treasures are coming with you.

  6. I try to cut up onions when I am having a good cry. I figure the tears are coming on anyway and the onions just make you eye sting more and you feel even worse which help with the more crying and getting everything out.

    I am sorry to hear you are so sad. I will remember you in my prayers.

  7. Hi...I found you through all mediocre. Your drawings are mediocre, but I like them...and I love the name of your blog. Be careful, because that and your excellent writing could carry beyond mediocre into the realm of "really good".

    I have cried the moving tears whilst hanging laundry, but alas, I had no party hat. You have my heart felt empathy!

  8. I feel your pain. Party hats are painful, and strange. Shouldn't they make them cuter so things like putting out the wash were more enjoyable?

    I had to wear a CARS movie party hat to the grocery store the other day on the command of Bacon. It was horrifiying. Every time I attempted to remove it, he screamed like I was beating him within an inch of his life, so I left it on and took in the random stares and smiled.

    I see now that I should have just put on the waterworks instead.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!