03 December 2008

Men think differently to women

How does one begin to think about getting rid of heaps of junk, and then packing all that remains into boxes? How does one remove every single item from their first real home and transport it all to their new home, ready to start some new memories?

And what about when all the boxes have gone? When everything has had its final clean and you stand together in the empty house you have loved so much, all alone apart from the light fittings and the echoes, what do you DO?

Do you sit down in the middle of the bare floor and cry together?

Do you buy a packet of chips and a bottle of red wine and celebrate a final few moments before you move on?

Do you shut the door, turn around and walk away without looking back?

I thought it might be good to ask Mr de Elba.

"When everything is packed and gone and we stand together here with nothing but the memories, what will we DO?" I asked.

"Sex in the kitchen!!" came his gleeful reply.



  1. Add the red wine and that might not be a bad idea. It would certainly be a good memory.

  2. Hahahaha - you did just remodel it after all! If it was my husband, he would have wanted to "christen" the kitchen as soon as it was done!

  3. LOL Dan would have said the same thing!!

  4. They really don't have any other thoughts, do they?

  5. Yup, Mr. Tantrum would have said the same thing. Only he would have wanted to sex up the whole house...probably with chips and Mt Dew though.

    And with that much sex...one would need the Mt Dew at my age!

  6. Stop it! You're all cracking me up!

    I fear when we buy our new house, I may just walk into the new kitchen, stop and look around suspiciously ...

  7. I have no idea how to render the explosion of loud laughter that greeted your punchline.

    That IS the way men think, isn't it?

  8. Oh, and this post simply HAS to go onto your favourite posts list. I feel blogtations coming on.

  9. I was pregnant when we moved both times, I never got those comments ;)

  10. I've left you an award at my blog. Please come visit! :-)

  11. If he has enough energy when the time comes, he probvably hasn't packed the contents of his shed!

  12. Men - They have a one track mind. That would be the last thing I would think of.
    Sounds like Buster!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!