14 November 2008

Wasted Post

Hi Everyone. I'm here but have been stressed out of my tiny brain, so there's been nothing I've had the time to put down into a post.

Except at work, every "bathroom" in the building has been locked for a year now because some vandalism was occurring. But it actually stopped ages ago. It's locking the door after the vandals have bolted, but whatever, better late than never.

This means that everyone (speech therapy kids included) has had to take "the key" with them whenever they've needed to go. This is frightfully inconvenient.

I've found that I'm such a subversive character. Whenever I go to the "bathroom" - stop - turn around - go back - get the key - and actually GO to the "bathroom", I now leave it unlocked. Heh. And over the last month or so, I've gone one better.

I have discovered (I can't imagine HOW) that the doors to the men's are usually unlocked. So I just go there.

I was wondering today if it was blogworthy, but I decided that unless I dropped my mobile in the men's toilet, it wasn't.

And I didn't drop my phone, so it was a waste of time telling you all about that.


  1. Your "Wasted Post" has given me a huge attack of giggles. So I think it was a few paragraphs well spent. Thankyou.

  2. You Rebel you! leaving the door unlocked, ha ha / Now the mens toilets must be nice where you work, as I would not step foot in most of the ones I worked near.
    when I worked in the Valley for a while, they had to put a code lock (press button thing) on the door as the drug addicts use to go in there to shoot up.....

  3. Oooo... yuck.... I wouldn't touch the guys bathroom around here with a 10 foot pole....

    I always knew you were a rebel.

  4. Men get all the luck. No lines at the bathroom and now its not locked. No fair.
    Hope life settles down again soon.

  5. Such a rebel--totally blogworthy if only to make the impression

  6. You did give me a great idea.

    My husband and I are sick and tired of the girls hanging out in the dang bathroom and getting into everything. I should lock it up and make them ask for a key!

  7. OK I think you need to rest! lol! I hope none of your co-workers are reading this then now they all know your little "escapade". ha!

    Hope everything else is OK with you :)


  8. Ha ha! When I used the men's here in our office (we have medical rooms here, and a womens and mens ensuite in it), one of my colleagues is outraged, and calls it Ally McBeal!

    Your blog has been recommended to me on Google Reader! But have read before through WTBAY!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!