17 November 2008

Cauliflower Sheep

One day, I used Google Image Search to find pictures corresponding with the search term "chicken money." I wasn't hopeful that there were ANY pictures on the Internet of anything resembling "chicken money," so I was quite amazed to find the following images:

Can you believe those pictures even exist?

I was so amazed that I decided to stick a vegetable and an animal together and do a Google Image Search for that. "There's no way there'll be anything remotely like, um, 'cauliflower' and , er, 'sheep'," I said.

So I googled "cauliflower sheep."

Silly me. Of course there are heaps of cauliflower sheep on the Internet. I found plenty of images just like this one:
Of course.


  1. Oh, he is so cute and quite yummy looking. Any one have any ranch dressing?

  2. I'm wondering at you thought pattern to actually came up with that combination but I have to say I'm impressed with the result. who'da thought!

  3. naw! cauliflower sheep! he's so cute! :) lol

  4. well.. you have inspired me :) on an effort to not be studying, I looked up 'broccoli dog' and found some interesting stuff... lol now i have a new thing to do when i want to procrastinate :) :) :) :)

  5. I am constantly amazed at what I can find on the WWW.
    That sheep is freaking CUTE! I want one!

  6. "Rutabaga koalas" doesn't return anything nearly as interesting as what you found.

  7. You can find anything on the internet these days!

  8. Who'da thunk?! That sheep is actually mighty cute!

  9. cauliflower sheep... tee hee. You had me at ukulele.

  10. GAH! Cauliflowery sheepses! I am once again justified in putting your blog on favorites and my "blogs I follow" listing. Oh, the brilliant madness ;-)

  11. Now THAT'S random. Who would've thought?

  12. Isn't the internet AMAZING? All of the things that you can find. That Cauliflower sheep guy does really cute stuff too. I can't remember his name though.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!