09 November 2008

I've re-MEME-bered ...

I did that meme telling you 7 odd things about me. But I keep thinking of things. Perhaps I'm odder than the meme was expecting.

1. Sometimes when I sneeze, I follow it up with a quiet little "Yesss!" This is because I believe that after having 2 children, if you can sneeze and NOT let just a little bit of wee out, it deserves a celebration.

2. I don't eat blue foods. But you knew that already.

3. Thinking about playdough makes me gag and sorta vomit a little. And that you also knew.

4. I never use the word that is spelled h-e-i-n-o-u-s. This is because I do not know how I should pronounce it. It seems that there are two main bodies of thought on how to pronounce the word, and I'm not a fan of either of them. Either way, you're saying a word that rhymes with 'anus' or 'penis' and I'm so not down with that.

5. When I read my daily Bible reading, I always need to flick to the end of the passage first to see exactly where it ends. I feel like I can concentrate on the text better if I check the end-point first.

6. I just HATE people touching my belly button. This is difficult as little kids are interested in their own and others' belly buttons. My kids would dearly love to poke my belly button with their tiny fingers, but I can't bear it, and I won't let them.

7. Number 7 is not about my own oddity, it's about my sister's (her list would number into the hundreds, by the way). She has named me as an executor of her will, and in the documantation regarding her estate, she has a clause detailing where she gets her photos developed. I asked why this was included and she said that she couldn't bear the thought that she might die while she had a film in for processing, and nobody would ever know. Those poor photos ... waiting to be collected ... for years ... (sob).

Well hey, what a list. Thanks for continuing to read me here at Killing A Fly, even though I'm so ... odd.


  1. Oh yeah, well let's see how you feel when I suddenly die and you have to pick up my photos and face Wayne the Photo Guy and tell him that the little boy who gives him biscuits with the roll of film isn't coming in anymore, and that the passport pictures he spent ages taking for us won't get used, and THEN you have to leaf through 24 photos of Crazy Family Memories and Mayhem.

    And don't forget to throw away the Polaroids in our bedroom drawers. Without looking.

  2. R-r-r-right ...

    It's a pleasure, being your executor.

    A thought has just struck me. Depending on HOW you die, the police may need those polaroids. For evidence.

  3. Oh I enjoyed reading your 7 quirks! You dont eat blue foods? Love your sense of humour too!

  4. I know I made a comment somehwere in your blog, but not sure what happened, anyway at the risk of doubling up, thanks for sharing the weirdness and I have that belly button problem too.

  5. Does the no blue foods rule include blueberries, or just "manmade" blue foods?

    I *loooooove* the smell of fresh Play-doh. Can't stand the smell of fresh pumpkin guts, though. *gag*

    I'm with you on the bellybutton thing. No one touches mine either. *shudder*

  6. Oh, and here in the States, I've only ever heard that word pronounced to rhyme with anus. I suppose it is you guys with your exotic accents and all that came up with the alternate pronounciation... (I'm trying to imagine Hugh Jackman saying the word, but all I keep hearing is "Oh Heather, you're so amazing, I love how you've styled your hair exactly like my character in X-Men" so it isn't really working...)

  7. That's a funny list! Your sister has really thought things thru, huh? :-)

  8. So i guess you won't be getting your belly button pierced?? :)

    I will email - promise! As soon as little Tres gets over this awful fever or I get a break!

  9. you are just so odd but that is why I love you. And I totally do the same thing with the bible verses. I like to know where and when I am going. ;)

  10. I love the smell of playdough... it smells like my grandma's house.

    I'm laughing my tushie off about the polaroids in the bedside table.

  11. I, too, think it's worth celebrating a well-controlled (bladder, that is) sneeze after multiple children. Right on!

    I love laughing out loud at posts. So good.

  12. In the movie Madagascar, King Julian the Lemur says, "Maurice, you did not raise your hand. Therefore your HEENOUS comment will be stricken from the record."

    So HEENOUS is the way Lemurs pronouce it, if that's of any help...

  13. Well, if Lemurs say it that way ...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!