03 October 2008

Absurdity Again

Sonny Ma-Jiminy asks a lot of questions. A LOT of questions. We all know our children will do this, because everyone else's children have done this before them, but when it's our turn to answer that number of unanswerable questions, it's still a shock.

Sometimes I think, "This is absurd. I'll have to remember this series of questions and blog it later." But of course, I can never remember the series of questions later, because they are just too absurd.

Tonight, it got too much for me. I decided to answer the trillionth question with a Special Answer I've been saving up.

Sonny asked me the camel-back-breaker (something like, "Could we get a ladder and climb up into the rubbish truck and get the rubbish out?") and I hit him with my Special Answer.

"Sonny, allow me to explain through interpretive dance."

I did some hand-rolling, and pushing to the left and the right, I did a body roll and begged something of the ceiling, and kicked a foot out to the side.

He thought it was fantastic. He laughed, and said he was going to do a "funny dance" too. He rolled his little hands for a bit and swooshed his arms up high one at a time.

I laughed until I inhaled my hot Milo, and coughed until I thought I'd die.

Then I realised that I'd busted my neck in my interpretive dance, and now I'm in a lot of pain.

Way to plumb the Depths of Absurdity.


  1. Why, oh why, didn't I think of interpretive dance as the answer to the unanswerable questions?

  2. Sorry I am laughing while you are in pain!

  3. You're my hero...

    I'm so doing that to my kids soon.

    ANd I'm going to start calling garbage "rubbish" because that's way cooler.

  4. You are so funny - love it!

  5. Too, too funny!

    I'll have to try that next time (my daughter loves to dance) only without the neck wrenching.

    What I've been doing lately when my oldest 2 start ganging up with the questions (like I'm making dinner and they just....keep....pesting me) I'll answer the absurd question with an absurd answer.

    Especially if the question is asking permission to do some totally bizarre off the wall thing (which, of course, I can't remember now). It always at least gets a giggle and stops the question assault.

    I'll tell them stuff like, "No, you can't do that because....
    1. The sky is purple
    2. You'll make the monkeys mad
    3. Tiger will cry (daughter's favorite stuffy)
    4. The dogs will sing (we don't have any dogs)

    Etc., etc. the sillier the better.
    Works a lot better than saying "Because I said so!" The more they pest, the more absurd my answers. Hopefully they won't need therapy when they grow up....

  6. You would fit in very, very well around here.

  7. Read your comment on Farmgirl monologues and cracked up. Came to check you out here and did it again. I'm with Lizzy and have decided to call garbage rubbish. Have a great day!

  8. What a great "answer"!

    My standard answer to the question, "What's for dinner?" (or lunch, or breakfast) is, "Pea green soup."

    If you haven't heard the joke, I probably should blog about it tomorrow. :)

  9. I am so going to try that next time Hayden asks me his trillionth question.
    I can just see it now, maybe I will video tape it so you can too.

  10. Oh this is way better than my answer of Ferdinand! You are brilliant! I am sorry that you are in pain though. It is good to know though what not to do when explaining through interpretive dance. You are the Pioneer of the sport!

  11. Oh, I love it! I often yell nonsense at the kids when I'm at the end of my rope, complete with threatening gestures:
    "DzhubadzhubaZHUB! AzhubaZHUB!"

    In my mind I'm being totally scary, but they fall around laughing, and we all feel better.

  12. hahaha interpretive dance! that's brilliant!

  13. hahaha interpretive dance! that's brilliant!

  14. Hysterical!!! I'm sorry you're suffering for you art though!!

  15. You are my Guru. That is such a Plass answer and I wish I could have seen it. (Actually, wouldn't it be funny to see Adrian Plass do it?!)

  16. Oh my God, I LOVE it! I have to use this on my Princess.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!