24 October 2008

Sure it was cheap, but ...

About a month ago, Sonny Ma-Jiminy got a new toothbrush. He was particularly fond of it because it was red.

Tonight, I was getting it out of its little toothbrush holder when THIS happened:

It just crumbled in my hands. Seriously. I didn't DO anything to it. It just disintegrated. Something tells me that's not supposed to happen.


  1. If you e-mail the company you'll probably get a reply telling you that you shouldn't have got it wet.

    It does make you wonder how many toothbrush crumbs he's ingested in the last few days.

  2. No, it probably shouldn't do that. It looks so pretty and sparkly and interesting - what a same it had no stamina.

  3. Ok, thats scary - what brand is it so I dont buy one....

    I have 6 letters for you


  4. Yikes! That doesn't look good...

    If you are shopping for a replacement (as I assume you are), may I suggest the toothbrush that is such a hit in our household that it is now a viable threat to say "If you don't do XYZ, you WON'T BE ALLOWED TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" (followed by the under parental breath "with the cool toothbrush" because, you know, we're not about to skip brushing altogether)...


    Our kiddo, the world's hugest Lion King fan, has the one that plays I Just Can't Wait to be King (I literally squealed with joy in the middle of the store when I saw that was actually an option). She now brushes her teeth so magnificently that I fully expect to be hoisted aloft on the shoulders of the dental techs and paraded through the waiting room whilst everyone salutes and honors me at Kiddo's dental appointment next week.

    (Oh heck, have I now encouraged karma to come smack me with the kiddo's very first cavity? I DIDN'T MEAN IT, Karma, I swear! *knocking wood*)

    Anyhow, it is a fantabulous toothbrush and despite such energetic use, hasn't crumbled in the slightest. :)

  5. I've never seen anything like that.

  6. If you were here in the US this would prompt a recall of all toothbrushes and a BAN on all toothbrushing for children under the age of um, 18.

    Since you are not here where the smallest little um, craptastic error can lead to total and utter chaos, send this little gem to the company, and ask them just what you did wrong? You know besides brushing a 4 year old's teeth with it.

  7. Liquid nitrogen. That'll be it. You have a liquid nitrogen leak in your bathroom. Better get that seen to.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!