08 September 2008

A Party at Blogtations

One of my favourite bloggy friends, tinsenpup, reminded me by way of her recent blog post that I should have mentioned the Blogtations Party over here.

Blogtations is playing a party game in the lead-up to the 500th quote being featured on the site. And I'd like to play along, becuase Blogtations has supported my little blog so nicely and sent so many new readers to Killing A Fly over the months due to Musing's ability to see something funny or worthwhile in the quotes of mine that she's featured on her site.

So to play the game, I must first find a favorite blogtation from the site. No easy task, as so many thoughtful and funny people are featured over there, and coming up with just one favourite quote is impossible. I will instead give you three of the funniest and you may choose which is your favourite. I have to include one of my personal favourites from tinsenpup herself.

So here they are. Enjoy.

No drinking maple syrup from the bottle - always use a cup.
- Tinsenpup

If you put your bake potato lunch down on your chair while you clean some space on your desk for it, what ever you do, don't sit down.
- Invading Holland

Nothing says "Good Morning Monday!" quite like finding two flies copulating on your windshield as you depart for work in your car.
- Sveedish


  1. All I want in life is to be a classy, classy lady.

    But instead I'm the kind of person who laughs her head off at a quote about flies copulating on a windshield on a Monday.


  2. I LOVE that first one, of course, but oh the potato...it's funny, because just for once, it's not me.

  3. those are great. thanks for the morning laugh.

  4. I love BLOGTATIONS. They make me pee in my panties from laughing so hard. It also makes me thankful that I am not the only one to utter things like "No drinking syrup from the bottle - please use a cup."

    I also like that one where that lady described childbirth...who was that lady? :)

  5. Aah! I get it! I went to Blogtations and checked out all the birth quotes (http://blogtations.typepad.com/quotes/birth/) and I read down the list. Each quote made me laugh./ "Oh yeah, that was a good one," I thought time and time again. "I wonder if that's the birth quote that Mrs Tantrum was thinking of...?"

    Then I saw mine. That's what you meant wasn't it?



  6. Great choices!


    I love that quote! :D


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!