07 September 2008

I Mrs, take you Mr ... Argh! CRIKEY!!!

Your comments are cracking me up!

Amanda said...
... That's a lovely wedding photo - although (I hope you won't mind me saying this) it looks a bit as though it was taken inside a zoo enclosure. I half expected to see an alligator to the left of you and people peering over the railings on the right!

Heather said...
... That is a lovely picture - very "arty" too what with the angles and perspective and all, though amanda's comment above also struck me as true. Was there a croc just off camera? ...

No ...? I'm paralytic with laughter just thinking about it! (But with us two and our crazy bride's & groom's attendants, the comment about it being a zoo enclosure rings just a little bit true.)

Our photos were taken at Picnic Point, a lovely park on the escarpment at Toowoomba, Queensland, my home town back then. There is a playground, picnic facilities, a trillion lovely flower gardens (Toowoomba's big with flowers) and bushwalks heading down into the National Park on the Toowoomba Range. The stucco walkways and chrome handrails that the photographer liked so much are around the restaurant and kiosk that looks out over the Lockyer Valley.

No elephants.

No tigers.

No gibbons.

And no crocs.

Crikey, what a thought.


  1. So I know y'all are trying to get your mouths around "Tooo-Womb-Bah" But it's not. Just a simple "Ta-woom-buh" will do.

    That 'oo' in 'woom' is the same vowel as in 'book'.

  2. Now if it WAS a zoo, I'd like you to explain why the animals would need that handrail there? The one that my Crazy Sister is holding up ...?

  3. Aside from guffawing at the sheer cuteness of the two of you, I couldn't help thinking that your wedding party in the background was quietly taking bets on how long you'd last. You sure showed them! Congratulations!

  4. I really thought that TooWoomba was a made up place! Now I know indeed it is not, but instead kind of looks like the visitor area at Hoover Dam. (Huh, Huh, did you get married at a DAM mom?) Sorry, what were we talking about? Oh, yes, you got married in Australia, surely there were crocs or other scary animals nearby. Haven't you seen that Scared Little Weird Guys video?


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!