16 September 2008


We were standing at the deli, waiting to be served.

Sonny Ma-Jiminy caught sight of a lady who was morbidly obese, standing some way off.

"Mummy, look!" he shouted, "there's a lady who is even fatter than you!"


  1. Oh no, he didn't! Well at least he didn't yell that she was pregnant and he knew what SHE'D been doing.

  2. Uh Oh .. one of my younger brothers once made a comment about the size of my mom's butt. He learned the hard way that you do NOT talk about women that way. lol good lesson to learn early :o)

  3. Um...I guess you take that as a complement...with a bit of imagination...um yep...

  4. Ahhh yes... the famed "double mortification"

  5. I know that is mortifying but it is oh so funny. I hate those moments.

  6. I can relate... though I think your experience was worse than mine.

    We were at the check out piling our groceries onto the conveyer belt thingo & there was a large lady in front of us. Connor noticed one of her grocery items were the same as ours & promptly said " that fat lady has some of those too"... how embarassing! Once we were out of her ear view I then explained that calling people fat can hurt peoples feelings. But gee wiz!


  7. That's one of those times you wish you could borrow Harry Potter's invisibility cloak!

  8. I told my mum the story (she is yet to learn the fine art of looking at blogs) - she laughed so hard and so suddenly that she nearly gave herself concussion on the table! That was even funnier.

  9. ... Not that I want my Mum to acquire a brain injury.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!