16 September 2008

Even kindy teachers have bad days

What a relief!

Last night I was standing at my sink thinking, "Well there you go. That kindy lady said she was going to start ringing parents tonight about kindy places for next year, and I'm first on the list, and she hasn't rung, so ... Boo Hiss."

Then the phone rang. It was the kindy lady, and she was nice. She sounded like she had time and brain-space to talk about 2009, and she was able to offer me a place in the group of my choice.

I asked about the teacher Sonny Ma-Jiminy would most likely be having. She gave me a name, and I have since found out that friends of mine have recommended her as "a lovely lady," which is exactly what I want for Sonny's teacher.

I feel much better about the whole thing. Thanks for your lovely encouraging comments.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!