04 August 2008

Minus blood. Minus flames. Plus bad attitude.

Are you ever tempted to say the total opposite of what you really want to say? Just for "fun"?

"Four days until you're back from your conference? I'll be fine!"

"When will you children just WAKE UP?"

"Swing that ukulele around just like that. I'm sure nobody will get hurt."

"I just wish you'd ask me "WHY, Mum?" once in a while.

"I know! How about one of you grabs onto my left leg, and the other grabs onto my right leg, and ready, set, moan!"

"Yes I cooked it, but even I don't know what it is. Throw it on the floor."

"I guess that if her tail was in the way, you just had to ride over it with your bike."

"Yes, snatch that toy off her. She loves it."

"Hey! Everybody come and watch me on the toilet."

Excuse me, let me just remind myself of something...


  1. Well I made it through by the skin of my teeth!

    I saw a little blood & vomit... does that count! Vomit in public for that matter!

    E decided that the trip to the chemist was perfect timing to empty her stomach! NICE!!

  2. Sorry to read that you've had a really bad day. I hope things look up for you tomorrow.... Dani.

  3. You're amazing. Your kids don't know how lucky they are! Hang in there. Yes, I know that's a stupid thing to say.

  4. Hahahha....and sometimes, making it through the day without blood or flames is just the best we can do!!

    Actually, sometimes I do say things similar to what you posted...in a very very sarcastic tone. Does that make me a bad Mommy? Just occasionally when I'm about to blow my gasket!

  5. LOL! I love it, especially the one about asking for some one to watch you on the toilet. I am going to try that and see if they actually leave me alone. (Yeah right.)

  6. One morning on our vacation once we had eaten, packed, and checked out and finally headed out in the van, I said, "C'mon you guys, couldn't you be a little more needy?" My husband immediately recognized himself in the "you guys", and it broke the ice with a good laugh from everyone.

  7. And, "Why won't anyone call me as soon as I decide to take a nap?"

  8. Once when the girls were endlessly bickering, I said or screeched with a slight amount of hysteria, "Why don't you just go ahead and hit each other? Really! Just go ahead. You know you want to. Just do it!" I was so frustrated with them. I think one of them halfheartedly gave the other a little push. Then we all laughed. But we might have laughed about it on a different day, now that I think about it. Sorry you are having a tough time.

    Hang in there!

    That's as much platitude as I can serve. But I do mean it.

  9. So hilarious and true. I am always tempted to turn around in the car and say: Can you two screech a little louder back there because my eardrums haven't burst yet!

  10. Try it! It's not called reverse psychology for nothing. :)

  11. I sure do love your ukelele metaphors! :) BTW, Uncle Lynn has authorized another Great Pop'rs Giveaway--it starts tomorrow, so stay tuned!

  12. I feel like that all the time. Maybe if we start saying it, they won't do it. ya think? Nah...oh, and love the pic, so true, so true. Hope your day got better.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!