05 August 2008

A mammoth effort

Greater love hath no woman than this - that she lay down a Day Off for a friend
and assist in turning THIS ...

...into THIS...

by helping me through such ghastly intermediate steps as THIS:

What a huge job! I have been avoiding looking at the mess under our deck post-bedbug catastrophe, but with the help of my good friend Jen, I have managed to sort out the rubbish (taken to the tip) from the items for charity (in the boot of the car) from the things to keep (slowly making their way/s back to where they belong.)

It was sad picking through some very water-damaged books to see what could be salvaged. Some were so damaged that I had to throw them away despite loving them so much. I'll be on the lookout for replacements for these:

And I won't be looking for replacements for a few others, which I decided on reflection wouldn't matter much if they were to disappear from my collection.

Pixellated to protect their identity.

I feel good about that. I think that in the next few days, I'll be doing some of the other things I've been putting off.


  1. Wow! That's gotta feel good! You're going to have to make your friend some of that fabulous pudding cake of yours for that. :)

  2. Nice... I wish I had gotten that much done.

  3. OH YAY!! It looks fabulous my friend! YOu guys did an awesome job! ANd what a sense of achievement!!

    I hope you float on cloud9 for the remainder of the MONTH!!

    So proud of you.....

    Oh & I have God Chicks, if you ever want a lend :)


  4. Umm, thanks Beck, but ... err ... that's actually Rachel's 'God Chicks' that she lent me. Hm. Rach if you're reading, I'll replace it for you. Promise!

    Beck, never lend me anything, okay?

    Rach, you too from now on.

  5. Good for you. That must be an awesome feeling.

    BTW, I answered your question about how I handle excuses in the comments of that post. If you really want to know.

  6. You didn't mention the FANTASTIC crepe & pancake luncheon where we laughed at ourselves and anyone else who came to mind.

    I had a great day (mainly because it is so liberating to destroy stuff - when it wasn't my stuff!) :) And also, the company was the BEST!!

    I love the pixellated books (with a reprehensible giggle). Jen.

  7. First prize goes to BECKY who recognised one of those pixellated books! If I'd kept it, I'd give it to you as a prize! Heh heh heh!

  8. That must be such a HUGE weight off your shoulders! And it looks great.

    What a wonderful friend Jen must be...


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!