31 July 2008


A new blog design! Do you like it? All answers in the affirmative, please leave a comment. All answers in the negative, please don't.

Shannon of Eightcrazy Designs has done a great job of taking my vague ideas and turning them into reality! I wanted to keep my basic colours but jazz the whole thing up a little.

It'll keep me up a LOT LESS at night than a tiny de Elba will, anyway!


  1. I think it's fantastic. Beautiful work!

    I love:
    the color
    the splats on the header font
    the silhouettes
    the flight path
    the yellow 'fly paper' background...

    I miss:
    your reasons for being positive that used to be on the sidebar

  2. Glad you like so much of it! Did you mean the reasons I hate things? Wow, glad you liked it. I ditched it because I thought it was too wordy and nonsensical. Hmm. Maybe I should reconsider.

  3. I think you used to have something about how you like to write positive things because it's so easy for us to dwell on the negative...maybe I just dreamed it???

    I read most blogs on reader, so I forget sometimes what they actually look like and I think it's been a while since I clicked on your actual page. Maybe I should look more often, so when I say something about what I SAW I can back it up :)

  4. Actually, now that you mention it, I think you're right! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  5. You are most welcome! Thanks for inviting me over.

  6. Oooh, I love it! :) Eightcrazy designs have done a great job at the fresh new design. I'm very jealous! *L*

  7. Oh, I love it. I just love! Its perfect, the colors are awesome. It is so much fun to have a blog-over and shannon is just perfect. She is a doll to work with. I loved what she did you for and what she did for me. Great Stuff.

  8. Wow, my 2nd time at your blog and I love the colorfulness of it. I was just going into your archive and love your blogs. Stop by sometime, I'm no where near as hilarious as you are, but I like company too.


    Keep on bloggin'

  9. Excellent! Now if I could just getmy act together and get my info off to my blog designer I coudl be a cool as you...or almost. :)

  10. Holy fruitfly batman! It's Gorgeous!

  11. Wow, it's perfect. I love the image of the kid holding the ukelele up. The color scheme is complimentary. Those folks know what they're doing.

  12. oooooh! i love it! very you! :) it makes me smile (yellow is a happy color!)

  13. Great new look. I'm a big fan of the whole thing.

  14. Like it Lots! The colors are so bright and cheery. I'm in a better mood just looking at the design--just think how my mood will improve once I read your Bloggy News! :)

  15. I love it:
    Font - great;
    Colours - brilliant, bright & happy;
    Layout - fits my screen better;
    Incorporation of both flies & ukuleles (another dodgy plural!)- Spectacular;
    Image of child with ukulele - priceless.

    I also agree with Stephanie, I quite liked your reasons for being positive, even if they were long. They were amusing and helped to describe who you are, and why you blog. I miss them, too.

    Just wondering though, didn't Duke the uke used to have a shorter neck? Has he lost some weight, or am I dreaming? Jen.

  16. Oh this is GORGEOUS! I'm green with blog design envy here!! (Had I dropped by earlier this week, I would've been green for an entirely different reason, namely a wicked, wicked stomach bug...)

    Woo! Off to catch up on all the posts I missed while curled up on the bathroom floor...


  17. This is BEAUTIFUL! I love it. I am so glad that it turned out so fantastic.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!