31 July 2008

Exciting days at Killing A Fly!

Thanks to all my readers for dropping by, reading and commenting so often! I'm a Really Little Blog, and it's lovely to know that people are happy to read my ramblings! I try to visit your blogs as much as I can and leave comments for you.

This post is to say ... "Watch this space!" ... exciting days are ahead and no, it's not a small de Elba I'm talking about! (Please don't think it is THAT - the real excitement will be a big come-down!)


  1. So should I hold my breath? Jen.

  2. ooooh please do tell!! I will be keeping my eyes on your blog :D hehe

  3. ooooh please do tell!! I will be keeping my eyes on your blog :D hehe

  4. Wow. Love the new decor. Jen.

  5. Ooh...Your blog looks purdy!

  6. I absolutely LOVE your new desing - it looks great!


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!