08 February 2013


(Buzz, Jessie and Woody are sitting in the car, waiting to go to school.)

Buzz & Jessie:  Thiiirtyyy… twenty niiine ... twenty eeeight …
Me:  Oh come on.  What are we counting down to?

[I go to the bathroom, grab my shoes and return.]

Buzz & Jessie:  Twenty oooneee ... twentyyy …
Me, putting Woody’s shoes on:  What? Are we still doing that? Pfft.
Buzz & Jessie:  Niiineteeennn …  eeeighteeennn …
Me:  Guys. That’s far too slow to be actual seconds.

[I go and grab Rex, return and click him in.]

Buzz & Jessie:  Fooourteeennn … thiiirteeen …
Me:  This isn’t even a countdown. It's too slow!  
Buzz & Jessie:  Tweeelve …

[I dash back and make sure there are no bags, hats, lunchboxes, water bottles or homework folders left in the house, and return.]

Buzz & Jessie:  Seeevennn … siiixxx …
Me:  Can you guys stop? [To myself] This is the dumbest, most pointless countdown I’ve ever …
Buzz & Jessie:  Fiiivvve … fooourrr …
Me:  You’re wasting your breath.
Buzz & Jessie:  Threee … twooo … oooneee …
Me:  *sigh* We’re going.

Buzz & Jessie:  Sit in the caaarrrr …

[I sit in the car.]

Buzz & Jessie:  Staaarttt the eeenginnne …

[I start the engine.]

Buzz & Jessie:  Aaaand … LEAVE!

[We roll out of the driveway.]

- pause -

Me:  Um - how did you do that?


  1. You've just got VERY smart kids! - and when is Rex going to get his own header on the blog? The occasional burp and/or gurgle would do for starters; there are already some lovely pictures of him too.

  2. Fun! What genius children you have!

  3. LOL! Oh my goodness, that is fantastic. I'm very proud of them.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!