21 November 2012

My subconscious speaking

Hang on a minute ... 

That box over there, in the homework corner!

(What a messy homework corner, by the way!)

That box!  I remember putting it there to hold empty boxes, cardboard tubes, empty tins and jars ... 

And I put a sign on the front, but I don't quite remember putting ...



How indelicate.

I honestly put THAT on the box?

I mean, it's true, but really?  I did that?

Let me move a bit to the left to get a better look ...



I remember now.

Yes.  That's what I put.  Of course.


  1. Ha! I know of a couple of people with craft rooms turned "crap room". I am discovering that if you live in a place long enough it all turns to that. (Glad I don't have to label it that way though!!) I've been attempting to remedy the situation, but it took 11 years to get this way, so it's not a quick fix! No need to worry about one little corner!

  2. I'm so impressed that all the C word stuff apparently fits in a cardboard box. I'm with Tracy and have rooms full of UFOs and things that I can't possibly live without and that may well come in useful one day.

  3. It took me a while...

    Maybe because I don't have kids.

  4. In so many ways I feel like your life is my life. They're parallel, at the very least, and this is a comfort in times of trial.

    (Excepting mattocks and doors...so far)


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!