13 September 2012

Three random funny moments

Jessie:  [incomprehensible nonsense]

Mr de Elba: [whispers] I have no idea what she said!

Buzz: [whispers] Neither do I!

Jessie herself: [whispers] Neither do I!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Woody in the car when pulled up in 2 lanes at the lights: Are you ready to race?

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Woody in the car with Rex crying his fool head off: The babies in the car go wah wah wah...


  1. Woody must seem huge now that Rex is here! So cute!

  2. A blog is such a great way of archiving all the hilarious 'kid moments'.

  3. I feel certain you gratefully thanked Woody for his helpful observation in the last example there. ;)

  4. Three truly priceless moments.

    Thank you.


Thanks for picking up a ukulele and taking a potshot!